Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 14, 2005 20:20:56 GMT 10
Okie silly dilly dokieo. Welcome to my board. Yes, my board. Since I'm the one controlling the scoreboard, I get to post everything you say that is stupid, rude or just out right pathetic. I might start up a competition to see who wins each week, so stay tuned.
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 14, 2005 20:27:29 GMT 10
For the 14/4/05
"What's Celcius?" Unkie Pete
"Just write C (degrees)" Kane
"Disco??? I was trying to spell 'Booga'" Unkie Pete
"Even I can make boards and I'm not even on there. What I do is I get a piece of wood and cut it..." Kane
"Ok, all I heard from that was 'Thank you Shaun, I love you too!' Brad
"I had a dream about Brad's pooltable" Ron
"We're talking about Pepsi, YOU CAN'T!!!!" Kane
"It'd be funny if he dropped to the ground and had a sezure before it hit him" Kane
"Everyone stop doing stupid things 'til I'm finished" Shaun
"Correction...you HAD money" Ron
"Plant it in the ground, we'll grow a lollipop tree!!!" Alana
"Wasn't he gorgeous!!" Ron
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 15, 2005 21:36:28 GMT 10
From the 15/4/05
"Half of 12 is 1" Brad
"Stop writing in captials, STOP WRITING IN CAPITALS!!!" SHAUN
"He has the concentration of a beaver" Ron
"I have accomplished a hole" Ron
"Well, Beaver and hole are the same thing, aren't they?" Shaun
"I came over to see your hole, but it's not there" Unkie Pete
"Look at that, blew the arse right outta it" Shaun
"It's my Finger Ease" Unkie Pete
"No, it's MY Finger Ease" Jym
"Can I join the band?" Ron
"It says 'sandwich'" Ron
"That's because YOU'RE saying sandwich" Brad
"You are my Brady-kins, my only Brady-kins, you make me happy, when skies are greyie-kins..." Shaun
"I wonder whether I can make it wolf-whistle at Brad?" Ron
"Did you stamp and clamp?"
So, now after two days of the whole operation running, these are the results so far.
Ron - - 8 Shaun - - 5 Unkie Pete-4 Kane- - - - -4 Brad- - - - - 3 James - - - -1 Alana - - - - 1
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 18, 2005 20:47:10 GMT 10
For the 17/4
"I pissed on my Pastuer's dog" Kane
"Spell it P A S T A" Unkie Pete
"Isn't a Cardinal a bird?" Doofus
"I crossed the road without looking and almost got taken out by two pieces of fluff" Shaun
"Your knuckles may drag along the ground, but your nuts sure don't" Kane
"Is this how many we've done today? Oh" Kane
"Did you know there's an alien blow-up doll?" Kane
"I've played a game like that once" Kane
"It's a great pranking thingamee-bob!" Unkie Pete
"I haven't finished the blow up doll yet!" Shaun
"Probably gonna message back "The police have been called"" Brad
"Blah, blah, YAY!!!" Kane
"So, Pete's sitting there saying 'I suck!!'" Brad
"Is that how many we need?" Unkie Pete
"Duct tape and a chicken?" Kane
"Ow, my freaken fist. I'm gonna cry" Unkie Pete
Scores so far Kane- - - - -11 Ron - - 8 Unkie Pete-8 Shaun - - 7 Brad- - - - - 5 James - - - -1 Alana - - - - 1 Doofus - - - 1
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 19, 2005 19:00:38 GMT 10
For the 19/4
"Hey, did you notice that there's no stupid comments since Brad and James aren't here? It's like they make us stupid." Kane
And the scoreboard after today's miserable scoring
Kane- - - - -12 Ron - - 8 Unkie Pete-8 Shaun - - 7 Brad- - - - - 5 James - - - -1 Alana - - - - 1 Doofus - - - 1
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 20, 2005 19:42:46 GMT 10
For the 20/4
"I am not a man!!" Jym
"People, be stupid!!" Brad
"Since your forgetting about the 's', you automatically forget about the 't'" Brad
"I have 2 apples" Shaun
"It's just like seasoning" Brad
"I wonder whether we can grow an apple vine?" Jym
"I'd say that's a no" Jym
"Nobody cares!!" Alana
"You have a last name??" Alana
"We are actually getting more intelligent and that's bad" Brad
"I spelt 'that's' wrong" Shaun
"So without Pete here, all we do is wish he was here" Brad
"Do you think that if we rang it long enough it'll fall out his arse?" Kane
Scores so far Kane- - - - -14 Shaun - - 9 Brad- - - - - 9 Ron - - 8 Unkie Pete-8 Jym - - - -4 Alana - - - - 3 Doofus - - - 1
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 21, 2005 21:16:27 GMT 10
For the 21/4
"The tree has a bigger branch than Jake!!" Kane
"If you add 1 to 2, you get 24!! Think about it" Brad
"Darren's getting kinky on the internet, saying stufflike "I'm touching myself here" and "it's not very big but it'll do" Kane
"I'm not that short ya know" Doofuses
"Is it like on of those toys that you push a button and it goes 'Wheediddlediddleydoo'" Unkie Pete
"What's BS?" Unkie Pete
"Ron's at music?" Unkie Pete
"Hey, Collective Doofus, what're you doing here?" Kane
"I just had apple juice come out my nose" Jym
"I've seen a guy do it with a flute" Jym
"'Dewberry is Phillipino for 'James, you're a fucktard'" Shaun
"That's not Spongebob!!!" Jym
Scores so far Kane- - - - -17 Unkie Pete-11 Shaun - - 10 Brad- - - - - 10 Ron - - 8 Jym - - - -7 Alana - - - - 3 Doofus - - - 1
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 22, 2005 20:21:40 GMT 10
For the 22/4
*In a Russian/Scotish/Indian accent* "You're going the right way for a smaked nut" Kane
"There's been 69 quotes, what a lucky number" Shaun
"I'm trying to do what he's doing, but, I can't get the fingers right" Ron
"Hathalgar!!!!!" Unkie Pete
"Ugh, that's for being a bitch!" Unkie Pete
"At least he didn't ask for Finger Ease" Brad
"It's my fucking fore soot too!" Shaun
"Would someone please give Pete a depressant" Brad
"I need suspenders" Unkie Pete
"That's ok, he's gay" Doofi
Scores Kane -------18 Unkie Pete - - - - 13 Shaun ------11 Brad---------11 Ron----------09 Jym----------07 Alana-------03 The collective noun of Doofi - - - - 3
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 26, 2005 19:58:59 GMT 10
For the 26/4
"Pegasus the flying bird!!" Jym
Shaun "A lesson, not even the ANZAC parade went for that long" Doofi "No it doesn't"
"Is Neighbours still on?" Jym
"I'm gonna grow a cheese bush to go with James' Apple Vine" Brad
*Goofy Vocie* "I wonder whever shish ish gonna work?" Brad
Kane "Penis!!!" Jym " Yes Please!!!!!"
Shaun "You probably don't know what the Number 9 looks like" Jym "It's this" *Motions with hands* Shaun "No, it's not" Jym *Thinking and motioning with hands* "Yes it is!!"
Scores Kane -------18 Unkie Pete - - - - 13 Brad---------13 Shaun ------11 Ron----------09 Jym----------09 Alana-------03 The collective noun of Doofi - - - - 4
Post by Blyclaaf on Apr 28, 2005 21:11:19 GMT 10
For the 27/4
"See, if I don't be stupid I won't get a Quote all day" Unkie Pete
"When it rumbles, it rumbles on my nipple" Kane
"Yeah, I said hi to a deflective coofus" Shaun
"The on where they're riding on the Harley going Doodoodooodoodle deedeedeedle" Doofi
"Has that been near your mouth?" Other
FOR THE 28/4
"Is there a slapt the bitch button?" Kane
*Ron's finger umbrella* Ron
"I've seen a donkey before" Maddie
"I don't get it" Maddie
I wanna know what cruel bastard put an s in lisp" Brad
"I have a wanking muscle" Maddie
That Lynx stuff burnt my tounge" Maddie
SCORES Scores Kane -------20 Unkie Pete - - - - 14 Brad---------14 Shaun ------12 Ron----------10 Jym----------09 Maddie------04 Alana-------03 The collective noun of Doofi - - - - 5 Others-------1
Post by Blyclaaf on May 4, 2005 21:02:47 GMT 10
"Holy Torago!!" Kane
"You got told by a teacher that you're an idiot!" Doofi
"Hyenias, can you eat those?" Ron
"Cooking with Reindeer" Brad
"Bradly" Doofi
*Shaun's Marching Orders* Shaun
"You don't know what a urinal is, do you Alana" Kane
"Jeebers, I pissed on myself" Kane
"Haha, Ronald's got a Kloaca" Kane
SCORES Scores Kane -------24 Brad---------15 Unkie Pete - - - - 14 Shaun ------13 Ron----------11 Jym----------09 Maddie------04 Alana-------03 The collective noun of Doofi - - - - 7 Others-------1
Post by Blyclaaf on May 23, 2005 21:36:59 GMT 10
*Kane's Jedi Mind Powers* Kane
*Jake's Jedi Mind Flinch* Doofi
"Mr T's cool" Jym
"That can be your reason, FUCK OFF!!!" Kane (With much non-christmas cheer)
"I gotta try and explain it to myself, leave me alone" Shaun
"Puhhh!!" Brad
"'Alexander' sucked arse, but it was good" Jym
"Everyone in this book talks like Yoda" Alana
*For Jym being a bitch* Jym
"No, James, no one noticed Coco Pops did it too" Alana
"Those holey things were really stars" Alana
"There's green ones too!!" Alana
FOR THE 10/5
"Do you go fishing in his toilet?" Ron
FOR THE 11/5
*Derek's run throught the jungle* Doofi
*Kane suckling* Kane
"How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood wood cha chuck cha" Kane
FOR THE 12/5
"He's not a Veggie, he a year 8er" Ron
"It was a Puhhh!!! with a QUEEEEEEEEEeeee Brad
"I wonder what Derek tastes like with Cheese on top?" Kane
*Ron* Ron
"That nursery rhymes like, really mean. He bumps his head and he doesn't wake up. it's like he fucking died" Doofi
FOR THE 16/5
"I went over to someone's house and they didn't have MILO. Then they came over to my house and I said 'do you want MILO' and they said 'what's MILO?'. So I stabbed them and now I'm on the run from the cops" Kane
FOR THE 19/5
"What's a Colon?" Maddie
"My name's Ronald and I take everything literally." Kane
*Ron falling of the wheelie bin* Ron
*Maddie being smarter than Shaun* Maddie
*Darren mistaking resume for survery* Doofi
"I am so smart" Doofi
And Now the Scores
Kane -------31 Brad---------17 Unkie Pete - - - - 14 Shaun ------14 Ron----------15 Jym----------12 Maddie------06 Alana-------07 The collective noun of Doofi - - - - 12 Others-------1
Post by Seth on Dec 9, 2006 14:55:00 GMT 10
Look! I found a heap of quotes that might have never seen the light of day!
These first four were said by me;
"What a nice young man... Running past going 'Fuckity fuck fucker fuckity fuck!'"
"You know why the French flag looks like that? It's so in times of war they can quickly tear off the blue and red bits, and just wave the white..."
*Swedish chef speech + motion*
Here's three from Shaunybaby!
"It like, skips the drunk part, and goes right to the hangover!"
"For a whole 5 days you thought I had a tatoo on my arse!"
"I gotta go beat off a midget..."
And two from Jym:
"If you feel pain, that's good! It means you haven't damaged your spinal column"
"Oh yes of course, it's always the anti-Christ's fault, isn't it Brad?"
This one's not REALLY a quote, but it was hilarious
"Nutssis; Fit for a Fuhrer!" - An original idea by Shauny, Jymmathy and myself
And, the rest of these are ALL from Angus!
"That's MISTER pervert to you!"
"It seems that before we were human, we were Japanese..."
"Oww, that hurt" (Said after hitting himself in the head with a textbook, to see if it hurt...)
"I'm allergic to confetti!"
"My dad touches me... WHY CAN'T YOU!?"
"It's about as confusing as walking into a room and seeing like, a naked man, a car... Some tennis balls, and some kind of dragon-monster thing"
"You may, or may not have killed my arms..."
"You'd be all like 'AAARGH! MY COLON!'"
"I hope Im getting a lift off Jym, I don't wanna have to wait for that smelly bus..."
"Gandhi would have been cooler if he was like, violence instead of peace..."
"So, we build catapults... But, we don't use them?"
"No... Wait... No, I've got nothing, this is a much batter country"
"Oh, a turtle DOVE... I dunno, I think it might be like a dove riding a turtle"
"I guess we could just throw a bible at her..."
"That means there's... Sixty-two hours and ten minutes until the next Full Metal Alchemist!"
"I don't wanna DATE her, I just wanna go to the GOD DAMNED MOVIES!"
Hooray for stupid quotes!! ;D